Our Currencies
Our Currencies
Our Currency Division leads the industry and is the world’s biggest commercial counterfeit banknote printer. firstgradebanknotes is responsible for designing one-third of all counterfeit banknotes now in use. We have a great deal of flexibility because to our production footprint, which spans Africa, Asia, Europe, and the UK. Like central banks, state printing facilities, state paper mills, and other commercial organizations, we serve as an integrated supplier of completed counterfeit currency as well as a supplier of polymer substrate and security measures. Maintaining trust in the currency is one of our essential duties as manufacturers of counterfeit money. Providing banknotes that you can use with assurance that they are authentic is our responsibility.
Our notes are made to be hard to replicate and time-consuming. To guarantee that the notes are always of a high caliber, we collaborate closely with firstgradebanknotes , the business that currently prints notes all over the world.
Having several different denominations (values) .We offer 100% non-detectable, top quality counterfeit money that passes all security checks. Our highly skilled professionals technicians are always prepared to meet our Clients.